Sponsor a needy child for education and other necessary support in Bangladesh for $500 per year
2024 Newsletter Ramadan Food Basket Flyer 2024 | Pledge Form | Photos of Ramadan Food Basket |
You can contribute using Chase QuickPay® with Zelle at skahadali@hotmail.com, (Name: Sk Ahad Ali), PayPal: info@gcwfnet.org, or credit card. Check option is also available.
Conducting Monthly Exams at the Education Center, Aronghata, Khulna in Four Classrooms, September 1, 2024
Mission Statement
To provide education, scholarships, and medical needs to orphans and poor children located in Bangladesh. Helping people in USA and in Bangladesh at the time of natural disaster and humanitarian causes.
- To assist orphans and poor children in Bangladesh for their education, scholarships, medical needs and helping for career preparation & growth.
- Providing food baskets to the poor & needy and people affected by natural disaster i.e. flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, lightning.
- Providing support for homeless and needy people.
Sponsor an orphan / needy Child for their Education with $500/year
It costs about $500 per kid per year to support their education and home living support. Anyone can sponsor an orphan or a needy child for their education, medical, clothes and other necessary support with $500 per year. Thank you so much for many of your generous support for Ramadan food baskets program. In 2015-2020, Ramadan food baskets are distributed to more than 1,500 families with 15-20 kg rice, potato, dal, oil, semai, chira, etc. We have also received a good number of support for orphans and needy children for their education. JAK.
GCWF will have various projects throughout the year. Some of the projects are:
- Supporting orphans for their education, $500 per year for each
- Supporting needy and meritorious student with scholarship of $12.5 per month ($150 per year)
- Providing tin roof for leaking houses of seniors and widows, approx. $200 per house
- Food baskets for poor family: 25 kg rice, 1 kg dates, 1 kg dal, 2 kg chira and 1 kg sugar per family ($20 per month)
- Shirts for needy school students: $100 per 40 students
- School supplies including note books, folders, binders, pencils, pens, etc.: $50 per student group.
- Educational and career development workshops: $50 per event.
- Tuition and registration fee support $20 per student
You can mention which project(s) would you like to support. MOST OF THE PROJECTS ARE FOR KHULNA REGION.
Please pay your Zakat, Sadaqa / Charity money for GCWF Projects:
Send your donation to: Global Charitable and Welfare Foundation PO Box 87681, Canton, MI 48187 Email: info@GCWFnet.org Please Pay Your Donation ONLINE by credit card: www.GCWFnet.org
- Chase QuickPay® with Zelle at skahadali@hotmail.com, (Name: Sk Ahad Ali)
- PayPal: info@gcwfnet.org
Students at Aronghata Education Center in Khulna, Bangladesh
Currently tutoring and other educational supports are provided for about 50 students from Grade 5 to Grade 10th.
2023 End of the Year Exams at the Education Center
2023 Annual Picnic
2023 Students, Teachers, Advisors and Staff
Winter Blanket (Kombol) Distribution for 400 families in 2022
Building three class rooms and one room for computer lab & office operations (May 2022)
Dhew Tin Roof Support for Poor Family 2022
Ramadan Food Basket Distribution 2022
2021 – Photos
Distributed 21 sewing machines for widows and needy families in Arongghata, Khulna