Sponsor an orphan or needy child for their education, medical, clothes and other necessary support in Bangladesh with $500 per year
- Chase QuickPay® with Zelle at skahadali@hotmail.com, (Name: Sk Ahad Ali)
- PayPal: info@gcwfnet.org
Sponsor a Child for their Education with Scholarships
Anyone can sponsor an orphan or a needy child for their education for $12.50 per month / $150 per year.
Shirts for school students: $100 per 40 students
School supplies including note books, folders, binders, pencils, pens, etc.: $50 per student group
Educational and career development workshops: $50 per event
Most of the projects are executed in Khulna region of Bangladesh.
Educational Services
- Provide educational support for the orphans and poor children in Bangladesh by providing them monthly scholarship, school suppliers, tuition, clothing and medical needs.
- To assist orphans and poor children in Bangladesh for their professional growth through counseling and training.
2023 Students, Teachers, Advisors and Staff
2022 – Photos of Students and Activities
Please pay your Zakat, Sadaqa / Charity money for GCWF
Send your donation to:
Global Charitable and Welfare Foundation
PO Box 87681, Canton, MI 48187
Email: info@GCWFnet.org
Pay Your Donation ONLINE: www.GCWFnet.org
Students at Education Center in Khulna, Bangladesh
Currently tutoring and other educational supports are provided for 15 students (G2 – 1, G4 – 4, G5 – 3, G6 – 4, G7 – 2 and G8 – 1) including two math and science teachers.